Monday, May 9, 2011

Waking up Brighter

Here at the farm....

Some things have been put in the ground, while others are just waking up for the first time.

Most of them wake up here in the warm and cozy germination station (a homemade germination chamber kept at 75 degrees F and 100% humidity)

Work on the high tunnel progressed last week too (as did my skill set in power tool usage--it's progressing slowly.) The frame, the roll-up sides and the plastic mulch are all ready to go. Laying the mulch was my favorite part because I got to ride on the back of the tractor scouting for rocks.

The drive back to the farm after a weekend away was a morning one and it came with beautiful thunderstorm.
It puts me in my small place in this world and it feels good to realize the power of something greater than myself. Driving earlier this past weekend, from one happy place to another, I was listening to this show on the radio:

What stuck with me was a conversation about kindness. It's something we can all achieve towards each other. Busy as are lives are, as protective as we are over our time, it doesn't take any extra to be kind. I'm floored by the simplicity of gentle good reminders. Just little ways to make life easier for us all. They are so nice.
Sweet dreams all!

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