Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tents and Transition

I'm in a time of transition. And I'm excited and I'm scared and I know just what I want, but I feel like I can only have half of it, and I want that other half just as bad. More. But I'm not sure if it wants me. Do you ever feel like that? The doubt just knocks me over sometimes and has been such a burden--and I'm thinking of throwing it out the window and then claiming the real love that's been locked up because of it--if it hasn't yet faded...

Anyway. There is nothing like babysitting a five and nine-year-old to lift your spirits. We built a clothesline tent-fort, like I used to with my sisters.
Buster was very interested
It was warm and cozy and giggly inside, with a colorful and brightly lit ceiling. It's been awhile, but I know, someday, there will be more of these sunny, temporary spaces in my life to come. They may seem sorta structurally wonky, but they can hold an infinite amount of giggles, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Transition is difficult and I haven't found any magical cure, but take heart in knowing that the scary and difficult and sometimes heartbreaking can be good, in those times you have to be tough and work for those dreams and if you didn't have to you might not know how important they are to you. And also you have so much love going with you wherever your path may lead- you will always have strength in that!
