Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friends on the Farm

So many mornings the fog rises up out of the valley like it did on Friday. It is sooo nice.
Friday we harvested some 3700 heads of garlic and it took us about the entire work day.
Putting it all on the wagon proved very satisfying--it felt, in some respects, like we'd moved a mountain

This weekend I was surrounded by friends who came to spend a weekend at the farm.
The bunch of us bundled and hung all that garlic. My friends are thoughtful and helpful and generous and they work hard.
They even made me an amazing breakfast beforehand (and many meals following.)

After bundling garlic, picking raspberries, feeding chickens, collecting eggs and harvesting cucumbers and zucchinis--the weekend demanded some more relaxing fun... and so we tubed.
Mother Nature watching us on the Red Cedar River decided that there should be a bit more excitement than usual, and some 2/3's of our trip was raining, then thundering, then pouring, then lightening, then a little scary.... and then... it cleared.
And we had a great time. I think we will all always remember it fondly--because my friends are tough and good natured and fun.
They even have tough, fun, good natured pets. Little Bubba was such a trooper.

Who wouldn't count themselves soooo lucky to have found these wonderful individuals that make such ideal friends on their own and form a friend super group together, all supporting each other and having a blast doing it. I count myself very lucky.

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